Basket Weave

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In 2006, My sister-in-law, Lorraine, turned me on to quilting when we went shopping for fabric for a king-sized quilt she offered to make for our guest room. I’ve made several quilts since then and each time I try to incorporate new techniques or styles I haven’t used on previous projects. I’m now quite addicted…
I’ve got over a dozen quilting projects . I’ll add them to the gallery one at a time as I convert images to flash video.
I chose my first project from Marti Mitchell’s Quilting For People Who Don’t Have Time To Quilt.I decided to make a full size version of the Basket Weave Crib Quilt illustrated on page 15. Unfortunately, this book is out of print. Too bad as this is an excellent book for beginning quilters to start with. She does an excellent job of explaining every step of the process and why those steps are important.
I made some classic beginner mistakes. Inaccurate cutting and sewing resulted in mismatched seams. Wrong color choice for quilting thread resulted in every crooked stitch line showing. But in the end, I still had made my first quilt and I was hooked. I still have and use that quilt.