The Jane Stickle Quilt – Border Bottom3

The third triangle of the bottom border is foundation pieced. My rendition of this triangle block differs from the Dear Jane book because there are two small HST square patches above the middle diamond that were eliminated in the book’s rendition.
If you have been following my patterns for the border triangles, you may have noticed I have been reversing the background and foreground colors. This is because I’m using the background fabric for the solid triangles, which are lighter than the foreground colors in the pieced triangles. I want to emphasize the triangle pattern in the pieced ones as Jane did. Since Jane used dark foreground colors for her solid triangles, the overall effect is the same. Hopefully that makes sense. 😉
PDF pattern: Jane Stickle - BB3
To design this block, I had to trick Electric Quilt by making a rectangle block. The two outer pieces necessary to complete the rectangle were assigned patch letters by EQ, which will not be used. To save time and relabeling errors, I’ve noted the unused patch letters in the pattern and indicated “Assigned by EQ but not used”.