The Jane Stickle Quilt – Block H7

Block H7 is traditionally pieced. You can certainly foundation piece if you choose, but it’s more time consuming and complicated to assemble. Plus you have to rip off that paper afterwords. Nay to that.
The most complicated part of this block is making the four quarter-triangle squares. Once those are done, normal nine-patch assembly is next and then finished up with the border.
PDF pattern: Jane Stickle - H7
Note: Unit A and Unit B in the pattern are for the sashing. I chose to make 5-inch blocks like the original rather than sash 4½-inch blocks. If you prefer to add your sashing when your blocks are all finished, just eliminate the A and B units from my pattern. The center sections will then be 4½ inches finished in size and you can add your sashing later.