The Jane Stickle Quilt – Block G7

G7 can be done a number of ways. The “X” portion of the block is pretty straightforward foundation piecing. The quarter circle sections are another story. What to do? I could curve piece. I could appliqué the quarter circles to the background. Or I could reverse appliqué the background to the quarter circles. Whichever way I went, I knew I was going to to make these quarters before I joined them to the X portions. I opted for curved piecing as I really need to improve that skill. However, I’ve included an alternate quarter triangle template in the pattern for those who would like to appliqué or reverse appliqué those sections.
So how did the curve piecing go? Oh my gosh, it went surprisingly well. Here’s a YouTube video I highly recommend: Sew Easy: Piecing Curves. Since my pieces were considerably smaller than the video, I put in a few more pins but it worked out as well. Smiley face on top was great advice. I originally intended to appliqué my second block, but opted to curve piece that one as well.
PDF pattern: Jane Stickle - G7
Note: Unit A and Unit B in the pattern are for the sashing. I chose to make 5-inch blocks like the original rather than sash 4½-inch blocks. If you prefer to add your sashing when your blocks are all finished, just eliminate the A and B units from my pattern. The center sections will then be 4½ inches finished in size and you can add your sashing later.