The Jane Stickle Quilt – Block G6

Block G6 is a foundation pieced block. It’s a bit challenging because of the teeny tiny pieces involved with the center star. But with enough tongue biting it can be done. 😉
The first step is to foundation piece the center star. I deliberately made the outer sections of that star larger than necessary to ensure it was large enough to cut into the pentagon shape before foundation piecing the remainder of the block.
Once that section is done, it’s time to cut it to shape and assemble the entire block.
So, here’s a bit of trivia for you. For those who have the Dear Jane book, you’ll notice that the top of the star is facing to the left in the image and on the back cover. That’s also the case for the J12 basket on the front cover. Every year Bennington Museum rotates the actual quilt a quarter turn from the previous year when they hang it in autumn each year. The particular year the images were taken for the Dear Jane book, the top of the quilt was actually facing to the left. Hence the reason these two blocks are side ways in the pictures. So far these are the only two blocks I’m aware of where the orientation matters. I’ll point out any others as I continue this journey. 🙂
PDF pattern: Jane Stickle - G6
Note: Unit A and Unit B in the pattern are for the sashing. I chose to make 5-inch blocks like the original rather than sash 4½-inch blocks. If you prefer to add your sashing when your blocks are all finished, just eliminate the A and B units from my pattern. The center sections will then be 4½ inches finished in size and you can add your sashing later.