Dear Jane
The Dear Jane Quilt – Block G10
Block G10 is foundation pieced. I chose to go this route simply because of all the bias edges on the triangles at the end of each row.
PDF pattern: Jane Stickle - G10
Note: Unit A and Unit B in the pattern are for the sashing. I chose to make 5-inch blocks like the original rather than sash 4½-inch blocks. If you prefer to add your sashing when your blocks are all finished, just eliminate the A and B units from my pattern. The center sections will then be 4½ inches finished in size and you can add your sashing later.
My comment disappeared. This may be duplicate.
This is an example of how this and other blocks have no room for slashing or seam allowance without sewing into the design. Please help.
All my PDF foundation patterns include a 1/4-inch seam allowance for attaching the sashing once the block has been completed. If you look at my completed blocks above, I have attached the sashing to the blocks and the sashing is not cutting into the block design. Are you cutting off the seam allowance from the paper pieces??
I am attaching sashing to each block individually but you certainly have the option of attaching sashing as you assemble rows. My pattern allows for that as well as explained in the NOTE above. (The “UN”finished size would be 5 inches—perhaps that is the confusion?)