Honey-Grilled Flank Steak

This wonderful marinade is not an overpowering salty one and results in a melt-in-your-mouth flank steak.
1 (2 pound) flank steak
¼ cup olive oil
1 tsp onion powder
¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup honey
2 tablespoons red wine or balsamic vinegar
1½ teaspoons garlic salt
1½ teaspoons ground ginger
½ teaspoon pepper
Cooking Instructions:
Score steak diagonally across the grain at 1-inch intervals. Place steak in a large heavy-duty, zip-top plastic bag or shallow dish. Combine oil and remaining 7 ingredients; pour over steak. Seal or cover; marinate in refrigerator 8 hours, turning occasionally.
Remove steak from marinade, reserving marinade. Bring marinade to a boil in a small saucepan; set aside.
Grill steak, uncovered, over medium-hot coals (350° to 400°) 3 to 5 minutes on each side basting with marinade or to medium-rare.
To serve, slice steak diagonally across the grain. Serve with additional marinade if desired.
OMG, Steamy Kitchen just posted a skirt steak recipe today (check out her link in my sidebar). Aaaah. clearly good choices. I totally agree with her comment about the price of skirt steak…it also applies to flank steak. Once fajitas became popular, the price per pound went off the charts. It's absolutely rediculous that the price is close to price of beef tenderloin!! I haven't tried skirt steak but suspect the cut is similar to flank steak. Overcook your flank steak, it'll be so tough you can bruise a jaw muscle.
Although the recipes are similar, mine is an adaptation from a Southern Living recipe I found years ago. The original recipe called for chopped onions, vegetable oil vs olive oil (quite a bit more) oil and cider vinegar. I found the onions messy, the additional oil unnecessary, and the cider vinegar too harsh. If you don't care for the flavor of olive oil, vegetable oil can be substituted.